by Nabil Charbel
HOMER is the father of the Greek Mythology and a little glance at=Homer was a blind born poet, lived in the year 850 BC in the middle of the 9th century BC, and was attributed to him and here I stress on ATTRIBUTED as nothing is sure above the Author of THE HILLIADES and the ODISSEY(ODESSA) which each one contains 16000 verses that the incidents took place in the 16th century BC and gathered while his wandering in the Old GREECE, so how can a blind born poet tells and changes the logic of HISTORY after more than 12 centuries to its happening by giving names of kings and queens and heroes(like Achille, Agamemnon, Hector, Ulysses, Penelope, Telemaco etc) - This surely was from the sewing of his wise imagination====If we search into the Encyclopedia about the principal hero of the ODESSA here comes the answer=Ulysse in Greek Odusseus(a Greek hero and a legendary king of Ithica son of Learte,Penelope's husband,Telemaco's father).A hero of the Homerian poems as shown in the Illiade and a strongtricker fighter,inventor of the Trojan wooden horse ===The ACHAEANS civilisation=2000 years BC,many Cretans(CRETE) emigrated and carried their own civilisation with,also INDO-EUROPEAN came(Known as ACHAEANS) and from it came the name of ACHILLE and their traces started sice 1600 BC and Homer's poems in the Illiade or Odessa and the ARCHEOLOGY brought from the city of TYRNA and MYSINA are only the sources of information.
IONIA through HOMER: The TROJAN WAR took place in the 12th century BC after the colonisation of the Achaens South ASIA-a sudden awakening rose to celebrate their first glory in Trojan war (1200 BC) and uniformed the poetical epic styles in the 9th century BC as a memorial for it(Trojan war)---it means after 400 years,so from it came the Illiade and followed by the Odessa which reminded the withdrawal of the Achaens after destroying TROY,many poets grew up in the court of kings telling poetry and improvising ONE FROM THE OTHER and added something from their imagination until the coming of HOMER the blind born poet who gathered(Illiade and Odessa) in two epics,also as long as the Greeks considered Homer singly harmonysing the epics- The two epics were not registered only in the 9th century BC'it means after the improvising of the Greek Alphabet from the Phoenicians which means that a lot were lost or altered(changed).
The trojan horse: The resume that the war of TROY only happened in the imagination of the blind poet Homer because Greek history never mentioned it, it came alive by the tongue of poets and since 1600 BC until 850 BC no historian had told about. AT LAST I think the only person that should be honored is HOMER, because he was at the same time an historian, a poet, a hero, a philosopher, a psychanalyser, dresser of strategic war by inventing the wooden horse and telling about the special weakness heel of Achille as if talking about a highlander - So the poet Homer is smarter and more precisely he allowed himself talking about a war that took place 700 years before his birth-telling incidents as if were running at his actual time.
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