THE FAMOUS SLAVE - S P A R T A C U S that defeated ROME but was cruxified at last because he dared to cry FREEDOM - So life needs SLAVES but until the world reaches the top and people do in fact exerces freedom so remains some kind of slavery. In fact many kind of slavery still exists and here some of it-1)-The dumb slavery is the one that keeps the days of the man hanging on the tails of the wife he hated and which makes the body of the woman stuck to the bed of the husband she hated and makes both of them equal to the bottom of the shoe-2)-The twisted slavery is the one that moves fearlessly the tongues of weak men so they talk what they don't feel and pretend what they don't care-3)-The humpbacked slavery is the one that leads people to the law of other people-4)-The Cameleoned slavery is the one that crowns son of kings to be kings-5)-The Black slavery is the one that of the innocent sons of criminals-6)-The SLAVERY for the slavery itself is the power of continuity. People are slaves to life and life is a slavery which surrounds their days by humiliation and nights by tears and blood. In fact 7000 years have gone and until now I see the surrendering slaves and the chained prisoners. I traveled around the world (EAST and WEST) and wandered across the shade of life and light and saw the cortege of countries and saw people walking from caves to castles, but only crookedness necks under weight and chained arms and kneeling legs in front of statues. I followed man from BABYLON to PARIS, from NINEVA to NEW YORK and saw the traces of his chains printed on sands besides his feet and heard valleys and woods repeating the ECHO of the crying GENERATIONS and Centuries. I entered castles and columns and stood down the feet of kingdoms and autels and saw people slave to the merchant and merchant slave to the soldier and soldier slave to the governor and governor slave to the king and king slave to the priest and priest slave to the statue and the statue is sand melted by devils and crowned up at the top of the hill from dead skulls. I entered houses of rich and strong men and entered huts of weak poor men and stood in front of mounted beds with ivory and gold as I entered shelters of overfull people with shadows of despair, then I saw children fed from the milk of slavery and boys learning obedience with the alphabet and young girls wearing clothes lined by lowness and women sleeping on the base of obedience. I followed generations from the border of the GANGE to the shore of the Euphrate to the fall of the Nile to the MONT of SINAI to ATHINA places and churches of ROME to the streets of CONSTANTINOPLE to the towers of LONDON and again saw slavery walking everywhere in its cortege Autels and called it god and poured out wine and perfume over its feet and called it KING and burned incenses in front of the statues and called it PROPHET and fell bowing down to it and called it LAW and killed for it and called it PATRIOTISM then surrendered to its will and called it shadow of god on earth, then burned houses and demolished buildings and called it FRATERNITY and EQUALITY, worked and struggled for and called it money and trade...So Slavery had different names and just one truth and many looks for one single tool but in fact slavery is an eternal mistake with different terms in herited to sons from fathers as they inherited life.
When I felt tired from following generations and also felt bored from observing the cortege of nations sat down in the valley of ghosts where the shadows of the old past times,there I saw an emaciated(thin) ghost walking alone looking at the face of the sun so I asked him: What's your name and who you are and he replied: My name is LIBERTY, then I added: Where are your sons-and he replied: ONE HAS DIED CRUXIFIED AND ONE DIED CRAZILY AND ONE HAS NOT YET BEEN BORN-then he vanished from my eyes behind the mist. After aren't we all PRISONERS in the JAIL OF LIFE.
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